Choosing best RFID tags for your application
With so many technologies, standards and formats, the range of options open to a user are very wide indeed. As the market is filling with hundreds of types of RFID tags , there is no simple way to sort them all and pick the perfect one. However, we have gathered criteria that will help you with your selection. The two different technologies of RFID are Active RFID and Passive RFID. Active RFID : Active RFID can be used in applications where multiple tagged products have to be monitored over larger areas, or scanned at a fast pace as they move through a particular facility. Passive RFID : In passive RFID systems the reader and reader antenna send a radio signal to the tag. The RFID tag then uses the transmitted signal to power on, and reflect energy back to the reader It helps you to choose the best RFID tag Choosing a Frequency you need to consider frequencies when selecting RFID tags . The higher the frequency, the more difficulties you’ll have with ma...